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Age BeautifuLee with Dr. Brian Lee

Dr. Lee will be hosting a new series of radio shows that feature his story and the beginning of Aspire Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa. Throughout the show, Dr. Lee will be discussing everything from plastic surgery to skincare treatments and how you can age beautifully with the variety of procedures and services offered at Aspire Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa!

The Aspire Story

Aspire and how it came to be what it is today. Dr. Lee talks about the defining foundations of his private plastic surgery practice and how it stands apart from other practices.

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Dr. Lee and Tabita answer your questions about injectables such as Botox® and dermal fillers. They will go into detail on the treatment process and their benefits. Tune in to learn more about these popular procedures and their variety of uses.

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Join us for an episode focused on the topic of skin care. They discuss the importance of skincare, how it relates to plastic surgery and what makes a medical spa different. They will answer patient questions regarding skin care treatments and products while also sharing more about Aspire’s philosophy for patient care.

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Tattoo Removal, Scar Revision, and Health & Wellness

Dr. Lee and Julie discuss tattoo removal, scar revision, and general health & wellness. They answer your questions about how to remedy tattoo regret and the science behind laser tattoo removal. Tune in to learn more about Aspire Plastic Surgery’s, options for tattoo removal, scar revision and more!

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Nutrition & Body Contouring

A discussion about the important relationship between proper nutrition and body contouring. Dr. Lee and Julie will also answer and discuss your questions regarding nutrition, appetite control, and body contouring procedures. This episode is a must for anyone considering body contouring!

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